Accommodation Requests: Recreation Services promotes an inclusive policy for all of our programs. Individuals of any age who may benefit from accommodations to participate in any of our programs should contact Meaghan Campbell, Adaptive Recreation Coordinator, at 614.410.4574 or [email protected] to complete an inquiry of needs and form an accommodation plan. Accommodation plans must be in place before a program begins.

The Adaptive Resource Guide connects you with various organizations and businesses in the community who are focused on inclusion and serving those with disabilities. The groups listed work closely with the City of Dublin to provide services to those in need. Learn more about each group, and visit their website for more information.

Other fall programs that may be of interest: Pumpkin Creations, Halloween Movie Night, Gingerbread Creations, Holiday Family Movie Night, Aqua Dance.

The Winter/Spring 2025 Healthy Programs & Activities Guide is now available! Check it out here!

WebTrac Activity Search

Search ResultsShowing results 1-19 of 19

Fantastic Friday

Fantastic Friday - 168300

Learning life skills through theme-oriented activities, which may include snack preparation, interactive games, arts and crafts and socialization with friends. Create new friendships while having fun! An Inquiry of Needs must be completed for new participants; to schedule an appointment, please contact Meaghan Campbell-Reimer, Adaptive Coordinator at [email protected]
3 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168300-01 Fantastic Friday 01/10/2025 -01/10/2025 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm F DCRC 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168300-02 Fantastic Friday 02/07/2025 -02/07/2025 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm F DCRC 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168300-03 Fantastic Friday 03/07/2025 -03/07/2025 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm F DCRC 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
St. Patrick's Day Dance

St. Patrick's Day Dance - 168317

Recreation Services Adaptive Programming and All R Friends are hosting a St Patrick's Day party featuring a DJ, light refreshments, and dancing with friends! A provider or family member is welcome and encouraged to attend with any participant who may need direct support. This program is free, but registration is required.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168317-01 St. Patrick's Day Dance 03/10/2025 -03/10/2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm M DCRC 18 & up $0.00/$0.00/$0.00 Item Details
In the Kitchen

In the Kitchen - 168350

Learn basic kitchen safety, cooking techniques and independent living skills while socializing with friends. Each participant completes a food item individually or in a small group, and recipes are provided for participants to take home. Please note that we cannot guarantee absence of food allergens such as nuts, gluten, and dairy during this class. An inquiry of needs is required for new participants. Please contact Meaghan Campbell-Reimer, Adaptive Coordinator, at [email protected]
3 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168350-01 In the Kitchen 01/15/2025 -01/15/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm W DCRC Ages 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168350-02 In the Kitchen 02/12/2025 -02/12/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm W DCRC Ages 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168350-03 In the Kitchen 03/12/2025 -03/12/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm W DCRC Ages 18-45 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Dine About Town

Dine About Town - 168450

Dine About Town is an opportunity for young adults to learn money management, social, and independent living skills through fun outings to restaurants in the Dublin area. Each program date, we visit a different restaurant, with locations to be announced approximately one week in advance. Participants are required to have their own transportation to and from the restaurant and pay for their own meal. A provider or family member is welcome and encouraged to attend with any participant who may need direct support. Past participation or an Inquiry of Needs is required for registration in this program. Please contact Meaghan Campbell-Reimer, Adaptive Coordinator at [email protected] with questions or to schedule an Inquiry of Needs.
2 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168450-01 Dine About Town 01/28/2025 -01/28/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Tu Ages 18-45 $5.00/$5.00/$5.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168450-02 Dine About Town 02/25/2025 -02/25/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Tu Ages 18-45 $5.00/$5.00/$5.00 Item Details
Adaptive Teen Cooking Class

Adaptive Teen Cooking Class - 168525

Learn basic kitchen safety, cooking techniques and independent living skills while socializing with friends. Each participant completes a food item individually or in a small group, and recipes are provided for participants to take home. Please note that we cannot guarantee absence of food allergens such as nuts, gluten, and dairy during this class. An inquiry of needs is required for new participants. Please contact Meaghan Campbell-Reimer, Adaptive Coordinator, at [email protected]
2 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168525-01 Adaptive Teen Cooking Class 02/19/2025 -02/19/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm W DCRC 12-17.99 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168525-02 Adaptive Teen Cooking Class 03/19/2025 -03/19/2025 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm W DCRC 12-17.99 $30.00/$40.00/$40.00 Item Details
All Abilities Dance Class

All Abilities Dance Class - 168650

Let's dance! Join Angie for a weekly dance party to learn new dances and practice some favorites each week. All dance moves can be adapted with assistance from a certified trainer and participants are always welcome to freestyle their own dance moves. An adult provider or caregiver is welcome and encouraged to attend with any participant who may require direct support.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168650-01 All Abilities Dance Class 01/16/2025 -03/20/2025 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Th DCRC 14-99 $100.00/$110.00/$110.00 Item Details
Bone Builders: Safe and Effective Resistance Training

Bone Builders: Safe and Effective Resistance Training - 168652

An introductory strength and resistance training class designed to help adults and seniors affected by osteoporosis, arthritis, stroke, multiple sclerosis or other condition build strong bones and muscles safely. Learn the basics of using light dumbbells, body resistance and core strengthening exercises. Key features of this class include an emphasis on proper technique and safety as well as adaptations to exercises for individual needs under the guidance of qualified adaptive and inclusive trainer, Jason Cooley. Jason has an associate's degree in physical therapy and is a licensed massage therapist. If you are new to resistance training and are seeking information on developing a safe and effective fitness routine, this class is for you!
2 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168652-01 Bone Builders Strength Training 01/08/2025 -01/29/2025 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm W DCRC 40 & up $60.00/$70.00/$70.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168652-02 Bone Builders Strength Training 02/05/2025 -02/26/2025 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm W DCRC 40 & up $60.00/$70.00/$70.00 Item Details
All Needs Yoga

All Needs Yoga - 168653

All Needs Yoga with Andi is designed to be accessible to anyone who would like to participate. This yoga class uses multi-sensory instruction and demonstrations and is intended to focus on building self-esteem and confidence, social skills, concentration, communication, balance, breathing, and getting physical activity in a fun way. No yoga experience is required to participate. An adult provider or caregiver is encouraged to attend with any participant who may require direct support.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168653-01 All Needs Yoga 01/11/2025 -03/01/2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Sa DCRC 12 & up $100.00/$110.00/$110.00 Item Details
ASCO Winter Carnival

ASCO Winter Carnival - 168905


Looking to join us for the Winter Carnival? You can find all the information and purchase tickets hassle-free at the following link: ASCO Winter Carnival Ticket Sales!

Program Overview
Join us for our first ever Winter Carnival in partnership with Autism Society Central Ohio! Themed games, crafts, snacks, and plenty of fun are provided at the carnival, which takes place in the DCRC community hall. This is an unstructured and self-led event, and parent or provider participation is required for individuals who require direct support or supervision. All ages are welcome, but all attendees must purchase a ticket. Participants are welcome to come and go at any time during their ticketed window, and a quiet space will be provided for those who need a break. An accessible restroom with an adult sized changing table is available at the DCRC. Please contact Meaghan Campbell-Reimer, Adaptive Recreation Coordinator, at [email protected] with questions.

This Program Operates via Ticket Sales
When you visit the Activity Registration Page and view the ASCO Winter Carnival program, it will appear as "unavailable" because we do not handle registrations for this program through our activity registration system. Instead, Ticket Sales manages the sign-up process to simplify registration for participants. The program is listed on the activity registration page so that you can view its details easily when searching for other programs. Please purchase tickets for only one section time so that we are able to serve as many families as possible.

To purchase a ticket for the Winter Carnival, please visit the program's description where it says, "ASCO Winter Carnival Ticket Sales!" Click on this link to proceed to the webpage where you can purchase your tickets.
2 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 168905-01 ASCO Winter Carnival 01/25/2025 -01/25/2025 10:00 am -11:30 am Sa DCRC $5.00/$5.00/$5.00 Item Details
Unavailable Unavailable 168905-02 ASCO Winter Carnival 01/25/2025 -01/25/2025 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Sa DCRC $5.00/$5.00/$5.00 Item Details
All Abilities Dance Class

All Abilities Dance Class - 468650

Let's dance! Join Angie for a weekly dance party to learn new dances and practice some favorites each week. All dance moves can be adapted with assistance from certified trainers and participants are always welcome to freestyle their own dance moves. An adult provider or caregiver is welcome to join to provide support.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Unavailable Unavailable 468650-01 All Abilities Dance Class 09/26/2024 -12/12/2024* 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Th DCRC 14-99 $100.00/$110.00/$110.00 Item Details
Every Body Drum Fitness Class

Every Body Drum Fitness Class - 468651

Join our instructor, Fallon, for an exciting fitness opportunity that can be adapted for every body! This class will combine drumming to music with exercise in a way that can be made accessible for all participants. Get ready to unleash your inner rockstar while having a fun workout with friends! An adult provider or caregiver is welcome to attend to provide support.
1 Sections
Column #1 Availability Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages CR / SDR / NR Info Column #12
Add To Selection List Available 468651-03 Every Body Drum Fitness Class 12/10/2024 -12/10/2024 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Tu DCRC $10.00/$12.00/$12.00 Item Details